27.10.2011., četvrtak


Voice over recording equipment - Used dj equipment chicago.

Voice Over Recording Equipment

voice over recording equipment

    recording equipment
  • recorder: equipment for making records

  • The equipment used to record an interview. It may be in analog or digital format and is either audio or video. The use of broadcast-quality equipment and an external microphone are highly recommended. For a more detailed discussion, see Section 5.

    voice over
  • the voice on an unseen commentator in a film of television program

  • Voice-over (also known as off-camera or off-stage commentary) is a production technique where a voice which is not part of the narrative (non-diegetic) is used in a radio, television, film, theatre, or other presentation.

  • A piece of narration in a movie or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker

  • (Voice-Overs) The audio portion of a multimedia program when a graphic or video is displayed and the speaker can be heard but not seen.

voice over recording equipment - Voice Over

Voice Over Recording Sign with Wireless Remote Control Switch

Voice Over Recording Sign with Wireless Remote Control Switch

Get both our Voice Over Recording sign AND a 100 foot range Remote Switch. A $110 value for only $85!

This brilliantly lit red beacon tells everybody, Hey! I'm actually working in here and a few moments of relative quiet would be appreciated!

Our 9" x 12" custom-made and totally unique sign is crafted from break-resistant 3/8ths inch thick acrylic plastic, carved using single and new three-dimensional line engraving. It's edge lit by an inexpensive and easily replaceable 6 watt cool white fluorescent bulb with an average rated life of 5,000 hours. That means you can just leave the sign on 24/7 turning your home studio into an oasis of silence. Or use it as night-light or a conversation-starting decor piece.

Plug it in and hang it up on a doorknob, or wall hook using the included chain. We're betting you'll see this sign everywhere even if there isn't a session going on!

We simply plugged our sign into the power strip that controls all the gear in our studio, so whenever I go to work the light glows - begging attention and Q-U-I-E-T!

Currently, the sign is available only for US & Canadian customers using 110 volt AC and only in red. But if enough other countries demand their own Uber-Cool Voice Over Recording sign we just might create them. Who knows? Maybe even in an Uber-cool blue!

One thing for sure though, our new Voice Over Recording Sign is the least expensive soundproofing you'll ever buy!

This Remote Controlled Switch is the perfect companion to our Voice Over Recording Sign. It turns your sign on and off from as far away as 100 feet, around corners, through walls, doors, floors and even outside! If you record in the basement or a room distant from the bustle and noise of your home this is the perfect solution.

Oh! believe it or not the batteries ARE included!

76% (19)

Uma Linda Quinta-Feira aos meus Queridos Amigos...***...A Wonderful Thursday for my Dear Friends

Uma Linda Quinta-Feira aos meus Queridos Amigos...***...A Wonderful Thursday for my Dear Friends

Dia 10 de Marco homenagemos o Dia do Telefone, Brasil

O telefone e um dos dispositivos de telecomunicacoes desenhados para transmitir sons por meio de sinais electricos nas vias telefonicas.
E definido como um aparelho eletroacustico que permite a transformacao, no ponto transmissor, de energia acustica em energia eletrica e, no ponto receptor, teremos a transformacao da energia eletrica em acustica, permitindo desta forma a troca de informacoes (falada e ouvida) entre dois ou mais assinantes. E logico que, para haver exito nessa comunicacao, os aparelhos necessitam estar ligados a varios equipamentos, que formam uma central telefonica.

Ha muita controversia sobre a invencao do telefone, que geralmente tem sido atribuida a Alexander Graham Bell .
Entretanto, como reconheceu o Congresso dos Estados Unidos atraves da resolucao 269, de 15 de junho de 2002, o aparelho foi inventado por volta de 1860 pelo italiano Antonio Meucci, que o chamou "telegrafo falante". A primeira demonstracao publica da invencao de Meucci teve lugar em 1860, e teve sua descricao publicada num jornal de lingua italiana de Nova Iorque. Meucci criou o telefone com a necessidade de comunicar-se com sua esposa, que era doente e por isso ficava de cama no seu quarto no andar superior. O laboratorio de Meucci ficava no terreo, assim ele nao tinha condicoes para cuidar da esposa e trabalhar ao mesmo tempo; assim sendo, ele inventou o telefone, a fim de que se sua esposa precisasse dele nao tivesse que gritar ou sair de sua casa.

No Brasil os primeiros telefones foram instalados no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1883 a cidade contava com 5 centrais telefonicas, cada uma com capacidade para 1000 linhas, e tambem funcionava a primeira linha interurbana, ligando o Rio a Petropolis.
Campinas foi a terceira cidade do mundo a ter uma linha telefonica (logo apos Chicago e o Rio de Janeiro).
No Rio Grande do Sul o servico telefonico foi instalado em 1885, em Pelotas, com a Uniao Telefonica.

A primeira empresa brasileira foi a Brazilian Telephone Co., que depois de passar por diversos proprietarios, foi incorporada, em junho de 1889, a Brasilianische Elektrizitats Gesellschaft, com sede em Berlim, que ganhou uma concessao de 30 anos.
Em 1906, um incendio destruiu a central telefonica na Praca Tiradentes (Rio de Janeiro), deixando a cidade sem telefone por 7 meses. Os primeiros telefones eram conectados a uma central manual, operada por uma telefonista. O Usuario tinha que girar uma manivela para gerar a "corrente de toque" e chamar a telefonista que atendia e, atraves da solicitacao do usuario, comutava os pontos manualmente atraves das "pegas". Assim um assinante era conectado ao outro. Com o surgimento das centrais automaticas os telefones passaram a ser providos de "discos" para envio da sinalizacao. Estes discos geravam a sinalizacao decadica, que consiste de uma serie de pulsos (de 1 a 10). Esta tecnologia prevaleceu ate o final da decada de 1960 quando comecaram a surgir os telefones com teclado eletronico. Os telefones com teclado facilitavam a "discagem", pois demorava menos para teclar um numero. Foram desenvolvidos teclados que enviavam os pulsos de sinalizacao decadica conforme a tecla acionada (carregada). Posteriormente com o advento da sinalizacao DTMF o envio de sinalizacao ficou ainda mais rapido.

Atualmente vem crescendo o uso da telefonia pela internet, usando VoIP (Voz sobre IP, do ingles Voice over IP) e Voz sobre Frame Relay. Ha muitos programas que usam esta tecnologia, entre os quais pode-se destacar o Skype, que tem sido muito bem sucedido na missao de usar a internet como meio de transmissao de voz. Com a disseminacao da telefonia pela internet comecaram a ser fabricados os ATAs - Adaptadores para telefones analogicos, dispositivos que permitem a conexao de um telefone convencional a internet.
March 10, we Homage the Day of the Telephone, Brazil

The telephone is a telecommunications device designed to transmit sound via electrical signals on inland telephone.
It is defined as an electroacoustic device that enables the transformation at the point transmitter of acoustic energy into electrical energy, and the receiver point, we have the transformation of electrical energy into sound, thus allowing the exchange of information (spoken and heard) between two or more subscribers. Of course, to be successful in this communication, the devices need to be connected to various equipment that form a central telephone.

There is much controversy about the invention of the telephone, which has generally been attributed to Alexander Graham Bell.
However, as recognized by the U.S. Congress by resolution 269 of 15 June 2002, the device was invented around 1860 by Italian Antonio Meucci, who called him "speaking telegraph". The first public demonstration of Meucci's invention took place in 1860, and had his description published in Italian language newspaper in New York. Meucci se

Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

Recorded during John and Yoko’s second Bed-In at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Canada, in Room 1742, where John composed the song. He then ordered an eight-track mobile recording unit be sent to the hotel and the equipment was installed in the bedroom.
On Sunday evening, June 1, 1969, John and Yoko began recording their peace anthem in the company of a number of guests. Tommy Smothers joined John, playing guitar and singing. Yoko added sound effects by banging on a wardrobe. Members of the chorus included Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, Dick Gregory, Petula Clark, Derek Taylor, a rabbi, a priest, members of a Krishna Temple and the disc jockeys Murray the K and Roger Scott. Additional voices came from the film crew, journalists and members of the hotel staff.
The song was the first solo single by a member of the Beatles. It was issued in America on July 7, 1969 and sold over two million copies.
It had been John’s desire to write a peace anthem that would motivate a new generation – and he succeeded. On November 15, 1969 half a million people sang “Give Peace A Chance” outside the White House in Washington, D.C.
“If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. LOVE AND PEACE ARE ETERNAL.” – John Lennon

Year of publication 2008
silkscreen on Woolfits watercolour paper
edition size 1000 +75AP 6PP
Plate signed

voice over recording equipment

voice over recording equipment

Voice Over Recording Sign

Not just a recording sign - a VOICE OVER Recording Sign!

This brilliantly lit red beacon tells everybody, Hey! I'm actually working in here and a few moments of relative quiet would be appreciated!

Our 9" x 12" custom-made and totally unique sign is crafted from break-resistant 3/8ths inch thick acrylic plastic, carved using single and new three-dimensional line engraving. It's edge lit by an inexpensive and easily replaceable 6 watt cool white fluorescent bulb with an average rated life of 5,000 hours. That means you can just leave the sign on 24/7 turning your home studio into an oasis of silence. Or use it as night-light or a conversation-starting decor piece.

Plug it in and hang it up on a doorknob, or wall hook using the included chain. We're betting you'll see this sign everywhere even if there isn't a session going on!

We simply plugged our sign into the power strip that controls all the gear in our studio, so whenever I go to work the light glows - begging attention and Q-U-I-E-T! If you prefer a switch, then an easily installed feed through switch is available at any local hardware store

If you record in the basement or other remote area of your house a wireless remote switch is just the ticket. These work up to 50 feet and are available on VoiceOverEssentials.com or at Radio Shack and Home Depot. You plug the sign in into a small connector and plug that into any wall outlet, then take the battery-operated switch to your recording area. Flip the switch and the sign lights up...truly plug and play!

Currently, the sign is available only for US & Canadian customers using 110 volt AC and only in red. But if enough other countries demand their own Uber-Cool Voice Over Recording sign we just might create them. Who knows? Maybe even in an Uber-cool blue!

One thing for sure though, our new Voice Over Recording Sign is the least expensive soundproofing you'll ever buy!

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